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Ilsa Napoletana Diamante 3 Cup Espresso Maker
Ilsa Diamante Napoletana 3 cup (approx 1oz per cup) espresso maker with diamond design in aluminum craftsmanship. Ilsa Napoletana espresso makers are made in Italy and offer the traditional flip style espresso preparation method used for generations! Ilsa's Diamante espresso maker is easy to fill adding water into one half and espresso into the provided metal filter. Aluminum is a great conductor of heat and will allow the water to boil quickly. Once boiling flip the Ilsa Napoletana espresso maker to allow the boiling water to run through the filter and create espresso. This traditional Neapolitan style of espresso is the proffered preparation in many parts of the world! Ilsa's Diamante Napoletana will bring some of the old world into your home, enjoy!